Every business owner understands how important advertising is to growing and sustaining their business. And, in today’s world, there’s an understanding that advertising via social media is a must because that’s where they can best reach their prospects and customers. There are many platforms where you could advertise. In this blog, we’re going to focus on why you should consider using Google PPC (Pay-per-Click) Ads for your business.

If you’re a small or medium-sized business you know that you must advertise but, most likely, don’t have an unlimited marketing budget and need to think carefully about where you allot your ad dollars. One of the best reasons to use Google PPC Ads for your business is that you only pay for the ad when someone clicks on it.

Before we jump into the “whys” and benefits let’s take a closer look at what Google PPC Ads are and how they work.

What Are Google PPC Ads

PPC is short for pay-per-click advertising, a system that enables you to advertise on Google, getting your message out to a vast audience of people searching for products, services, or information that you can provide. Given Google’s vast reach, with over 8.5 billion searches per day, chances are you’ve seen (and probably clicked on) a Google ad, and so have your potential customers.

Google PPC is used by millions of websites and businesses all over the world: It’s a powerful, cost-effective way to raise brand awareness and drive qualified traffic to your site, boosting sales and other conversions. Specifically, Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform, where advertisers pay per click (or impression) on an ad. Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a type of advertising where the advertiser pays per click on an ad.

With Google PPC you pay to have a Google ad for your business displayed to customers who search for relevant terms on Google Search and Maps. You only pay for tangible results, such as website clicks and business calls. You can set a monthly Google Ads campaign ad-spend cap that Google will automatically follow, and you can choose to make your target audience global or local.

Why Use Google PPC Ads

Marketing is all about reaching the prospects who would be interested in doing business with you. What better way to reach those individuals than advertising on the most used search engine in the world? The previously mentioned 8.5 billion daily Google searches makes Google PPC Ads a key digital marketing tool for any business that is looking to get meaningful ad copy in front of its target audience.

Through Google PPC Ads, your business can reach anyone who uses Google to search for information, products, and services online. Google PPC Ads can send you a large audience of potential customers looking for your product or service.

Google PPC Ad Campaign Types

There are five Google PPC Ad campaign types. Here’s an overview of them:

1. Search Network Campaign – With this type of campaign, your ad will appear not just on Google Search and Maps, but also the many other Google search partners, like YouTube and Google Shopping. On any of these sites, when users search terms related to a keyword for your campaign, they’ll see your ad.

2. Display Network Campaign – With a Display Network campaign, your visual ads get placed in front of people using products in the Google Display Network, including Gmail and YouTube.

3. Shopping Campaign – Through a Shopping campaign, Google will use your web store’s product data, instead of a user’s keyword, to determine how and where within Google Shopping to show your ad.

4. Video Campaign – With a Video campaign, your company will be promoted via a video ad displayed on YouTube and other Google Display Network properties.

5. App Campaign – An App campaign, shows your ad on Google Search, YouTube, Google Play, AdMob, the Google Display Network, Google Discover, Google’s search partners, and many other publishers that display app ads.

The Benefits of Google PPC Advertising

There are several reasons why you would want to add Google PPC advertising to your business’s marketing toolbox:

1. PPC is Fast and Effective – PPC advertising is a proven fast and effective strategy to get results. PPC offers quicker results than an SEO campaign. And, because you only pay for the ad placement when you get a click they are cost-effective.

2. PPC is Easy to Measure and Track – With their Ad Tools and Analytics, Google makes it easy to see how your PPC campaigns are performing so it’s never difficult to measure the effectiveness of your advertising with Google Ads PPC campaigns.

3. With Google PPC Ads You Cast a Wide Net – PPC ads can help get your brand in front of new customers. Email and social media marketing tend to target people who are already aware of your brand. But with PPC ads, you have the opportunity to generate a wide net to find new potential customers.

4. Pay Only When Someone Clicks – As the name suggests, you only have to pay money for the ad when someone actually clicks on it. Though Google does show the ad only to searchers who are looking for related relevant topics or products, it is likely that anyone who is shown your ad will be interested and might click.

5. You Choose Your Ad Spend – No one wants to go over their advertising budget, especially if you’re a small or medium-sized business that needs to be thoughtful with every ad dollar spent. A major reason to use Google PPC Ads is that you have full control over the cost because Google PPC Ads lets you decide how to limit your daily and monthly ad spend. Additionally, you can see exactly how Google Ads has spent your budget and optimize your campaign going forward.

6. Advertise Anywhere – Google Ads allows you to advertise to potential customers based on their location. So, you can advertise your business locally, to people in entire regions, countries, or even worldwide. Google Ads also allows additional targeting so that you can appeal to detailed audiences. These factors make Google PPC Ads ideal for both small and medium-sized businesses.

The Bottom Line

Given its reach and influence, Google PPC Ads should be a part of your paid digital advertising strategy. In fact, if you’re not presently executing any PPC marketing, there’s a good chance that you’re losing out on coveted website traffic and revenue.

Google PPC Ads are a cost-effective way to drive qualified traffic to your business because they’re actively searching for the products and services you offer. With Google Ads, you can increase your website traffic, receive more inquiries, and improve in-store visits (if you’re a retailer). Over time, Google Ads can help you control advertising costs and will help you analyze and optimize those ads to get your message in front of more prospects.

At Obsessed With Success we are a full-service digital marketing agency dedicated to your success. We specialize in helping small and medium-sized businesses like yours reach their audiences and achieve their goals. If you want to know more about how Google PPC Ads can help your business grow we should connect and schedule a free, no-obligation strategy session!