Marketing Tips

Pros and Cons of Using AI For Marketing
Pros and Cons of Using AI For Marketing
Welcome to the New Frontier! With all the fancy new artificial intelligence (AI) tools, like ChatGPT, it feels a little like the...
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google local service ads
How to Get the Greatest Benefits From Google Local Service Ads
Google Local Service Ads (LSAs) are great for local advertising for real estate agents, attorneys, and many home services businesses. By identifying...
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Everything You Need To Know About Your Google Business Profile
Everything You Need To Know About Your Google Business Profile
Google has become a chief source of info for consumers, making it a MUST for your business to be found online. While...
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social media
5 Ways to Promote Your Business Using Social Media
Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It allows us to connect with friends, family, business contacts, and new...
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YouTube Handles
YouTube Handles: A New Way to Identify Your Channel
Most business owners in today's social media dominated world know that to reach their ideal client they need to be on many...
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Knowing Your Ideal Client is Essential
Knowing Your Ideal Client is Essential
In 2022, target markets are out and ideal clients are essential! It’s no longer enough to just broadly define a target market....
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