In an era where email communication plays a pivotal role in our personal and professional lives, it’s crucial to ensure the quality and relevance of the emails we send. According to a recent study conducted by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), email marketing has an impressive return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent. This highlights the immense value and effectiveness of email as a marketing channel. With such a high ROI, email marketing has consistently proven to be a cost-effective and efficient means of reaching and engaging with target audiences.

Google, one of the leading providers of email services, recently finished the rollout of its latest spam update, which began in December of last year, aiming to improve user experience and combat spammy practices. Google’s latest spam update was part of a larger overall helpful content system update, which aimed to better reward content where visitors feel they’ve had a satisfying experience, and restrict content that doesn’t meet a visitor’s expectations. This update targets websites and emails, and rewards content that is “people first.”

In this blog post, we will delve into the details of Google’s latest spam update and discuss five best practices to enhance your email communication.

Understanding Google’s Latest Spam Update

Google’s latest spam update represents a crucial milestone in the ongoing battle against email clutter and irrelevant content. With an ever-increasing volume of emails flooding inboxes daily, it has become more challenging for users to sift through the noise and find the emails that truly matter. Recognizing this, Google has taken proactive measures to refine its algorithms and raise the bar for email quality.

By deploying sophisticated techniques, Google aims to distinguish between high-quality emails and those that offer little value or relevance to recipients. The update focuses on identifying spammy and low-quality emails, filtering them out, and ensuring that users’ inboxes are primarily filled with content that is engaging, informative, and pertinent to their interests.

Prioritizing email deliverability is a key aspect of this update. By placing a higher emphasis on delivering emails from reputable senders with legitimate content, Google aims to foster trust between users and the emails they receive. This means that legitimate email marketers who adhere to best practices and provide valuable content have a greater chance of reaching their intended audience.

The update also aims to reduce the visibility of spammy emails that often clutter users’ inboxes, leading to frustration and a diminished email experience. By leveraging machine learning and advanced algorithms, Google can now more accurately identify and block emails that exhibit spammy characteristics, such as deceptive subject lines, excessive promotional content, or misleading information. This empowers users to have greater control over the emails they receive and ensures that their attention is focused on emails that truly matter to them.

Ultimately, Google’s spam update signifies a commitment to improving the overall email experience for its users. By filtering out low-quality and irrelevant emails, Google aims to enhance the relevance, value, and engagement of the emails that users interact with. This aligns with their broader mission of organizing the world’s information and making it universally accessible and useful.

Best Practices for Effective Email Communication

As email marketers, it is essential to stay informed about these updates and adapt our strategies accordingly. By consistently providing high-quality, relevant, and valuable content to our subscribers, we can build trust, nurture relationships, and continue to deliver impactful messages that resonate with our audience. If you’re unsure what Google defines as spam, it’s worth reviewing the new Google Search Essentials. Now more than ever, it’s crucial to create “people-first” content, not only to satisfy Google’s latest spam update but to create a better overall customer experience.

Here are some tips you can use in your marketing right now:

Personalization is Key

Invest time in crafting personalized and targeted emails. Generic mass emails are often ignored or marked as spam, even before Google’s latest spam update. Tailor your content to address the specific needs, interests, and pain points of your recipients. By showing that you value their individual preferences, you can significantly improve engagement and build stronger connections.

Optimize Subject Lines

Subject lines are the gateways to your emails. Craft compelling subject lines that pique curiosity, communicate value, and are relevant to the content of your email. Avoid deceptive or clickbait subject lines, as they not only harm your credibility but also increase the chances of your emails being flagged as spam.

Provide Clear Value

Every email you send should offer clear value to the recipient. Whether it’s sharing industry insights, offering exclusive discounts, or providing helpful tips, ensure that your content is relevant, informative, and actionable. By consistently delivering value, you will establish yourself as a trusted source of information and strengthen your email reputation.

Segment Your Audience

Segmenting your email list based on relevant criteria such as demographics, preferences, or previous interactions allows you to send targeted and highly relevant content. This personalization increases the chances of engagement and conversion. Leverage automation tools to streamline the segmentation process and send tailored emails efficiently.

Respect Opt-In and Unsubscribe Requests

Building trust with your audience is crucial for maintaining a positive email reputation. Respect opt-in preferences and ensure that your recipients have willingly subscribed to receive your emails. In fact, using a double opt-in strategy is optimal.

Additionally, make the unsubscribe process easy and straightforward. Honoring opt-out requests promptly not only prevents your emails from being marked as spam but also showcases your commitment to respecting your recipients’ choices.

A Note About Cold Email Marketing Practices

Sending cold emails from a purchased list can be a dangerous practice for several reasons. Firstly, purchased lists often contain outdated or inaccurate information, leading to a high bounce rate and damaging your sender reputation. This can result in your emails being flagged as spam or blocked by Google and all other email service providers. Additionally, recipients on purchased lists have not given explicit consent to receive emails from you, which can lead to low engagement, spam complaints, and legal consequences if you violate anti-spam laws. If you are working off a list that you purchased, it’s best to run all your emails through a validation service first.

To best use cold email for marketing, it is crucial to adopt a more targeted and permission-based approach. Start by building your own opt-in email list through lead generation strategies such as website sign-ups, content downloads, or event registrations. This ensures that recipients have shown genuine interest in your offerings. Personalize your cold emails by addressing recipients by name and tailoring the content to their specific needs. Craft compelling subject lines and email content that clearly communicate the value you offer. Implement an opt-out mechanism to respect recipients’ preferences and comply with email marketing regulations.

Furthermore, consider integrating cold email with other marketing channels. For example, warm up prospects by engaging with them on social media or nurturing them through targeted content marketing campaigns before sending a cold email. This approach increases the likelihood of positive responses and conversions. Regularly analyze and optimize your cold email campaigns by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. This helps you refine your approach and achieve better results over time.


Google’s latest spam update emphasizes the significance of providing valuable, relevant, and engaging content to email recipients. By adhering to email best practices, you can enhance your email communication, maintain a positive reputation, and maximize engagement. Remember, personalization, optimized subject lines, value-driven content, audience segmentation, and respecting opt-in preferences and unsubscribe requests are fundamental to effective email marketing. Embrace these best practices to not only stay in compliance with Google’s updates but also build strong connections with your recipients and achieve better email marketing results.

Elevate your email communication today, and ensure that your messages stand out in recipients’ inboxes as valuable and meaningful content. Not sure where to start? At Obsessed With Success, we’re obsessed with YOUR success! And we happen to be email marketing experts. Book a FREE, no-obligation call with us today!